Wednesday, October 29, 2008

November Numerology from Elle magazine/Bridgett Walther

Numerology uses the power of numbers to predict significant life cycles. Determine your personal number by adding the day and month of your birth date. Continue adding until you get a single digit. For example, if your birthday is July 4, your personal number is 7 + 4 = 11. And 1 + 1 = 2, the personal number you’ll keep for life.

My number is 5--I was born on February 21. Feb is the 2nd month so I add 2+21=23, 2+3=5 so my power number is 5--FOREVER. I've got that going for me, which is nice.

"After a mellow couple of months, you're about to get lucky, whether it's at the gaming table, around the boardroom table, or on the, um, kitchen table. You're bold and confident--not foreign feelings to most "la vida loca" Five women. And although you appear wild and carefree to your admirers, you're carefully choreographing your every move to avoid any wildfire accidents. At work, this extra boost of confidence shows up in your projects--and the boss takes notice."

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention because I'm watching a commercial featuring Jennifer Love Hewitt's really bad skin and the gasoline-based product she uses to clear it up. Even with a heavy layer of clown makeup, you'd still be able to see the mini Mt. Etnas on her face. Yep, spoken like a woman who has never had skin problems.

"After a mellow couple of months, you're about to get lucky, whether it's at the gaming table, around the boardroom table, or on the, um, kitchen table."
I hope I get lucky at the gaming table because I could use the cash to buy some Atlantic City-fabulous hair extensions and dragon lady nails. It's all part of this new look I'm hoping to unveil around Thanksgiving. You won't be disappointed at all.

"You're bold and confident--not foreign feelings to most "la vida loca" Five women. "
Good lord--referencing Ricky Martin, the I-think-he's-still-in-the-closet-gay icon? (or is he out of the closet yet? My gaydar is off. David Barber, help me out please) Yikes, it's such a dated reference, too.
I am usually bold and confident--when I'm wearing the right deodorant and don't have spinach stuck in between my teefus.

And although you appear wild and carefree to your admirers, you're carefully choreographing your every move to avoid any wildfire accidents."
Carefree and wild? Sounds like the tag line for a tampon ad. Or like salmon swimming upstream and right before they get eaten by a grizzly or an eagle. It's like "La la, I'm swimming. La la." then CHOMP. I like that better than "Gosh, not feeling so fresh and, oops, uh-oh! I believe it's time to find a new pair of white jeans!"
I think it would be cool to choreograph every move--if done properly. However, if you're not careful, one might end up looking like the mini-douches in High School Musical 3.

As for worrying about 'wildfire accidents,' no need to worry. I promised my PO that my arson days are over--for now. We'll see what happens on November 4th before I decide to put away my matches and assortment of accelerants.


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