Friday, August 04, 2006


I wish I could...
-hit a one-handed backhand well
-jump like the Bionic Woman
-read minds
-make chapatis
-stop eating sugar cold turkey
-figure out where the phrase 'cold turkey' came from
-perform an exorcism
-wear a strapless dress (my boobs are too big to pull it off)
-live in London
-understand the fascination with "Desperate Housewives"
-have the dulcet tones of Carl Kassel wake me up every morning. Something along the lines of "Wakey Wakey Sleeping Beauty".
-touch John Travolta's butt chin
-write a song as profound as 'Disco Duck'
-get more Elvis Buddhas
-wear actual x-ray glasses
-understand the allure of Blue Man Group

Things that I love..

cereal for dinner
driving a 5-speed car
cleaning out the lint trap of my dryer
those new VW Jetta commercials with the crashing n' stuff
Chicken Chalupas
my nephew Ben's first tooth
Will Shortz
the Pasadena Freeway
the nightly hermit crab parade on St. John
the Ultimate Fighter
the new Gap commercials-mainly the part where the gal 'spins' from a pencil skirt to a mini. How does that happen?
Claritin Redi-Tabs
skinny dipping
autumn in Illinois
warm days and cool nights..the kind of nights that are good for sleeping
the late Jim Backus
Santa Ana winds
beating the crap out of a heavy bag
patagonia underpants
the word 'underpants'
making strangers laugh
making strippers laugh
chinua achebe
not having to teach film any more
chinese deco rugs