Friday, October 06, 2006

Stephanie Huls is the coolest girl in the class.

Recently, I covered the Cook County board meeting for a story. Yep, I know, snoresville. Having never covered one of these meetings before, I didn't know what to expect. I do know this though..I'm gonna need a caffeine drip if I ever attend another one of those meetings. But, I did learn lots.

Here's what I observed-
Cook County Commissioner John P. Daley (Hizzoner's little brother) is the boss of the county board. During the summer, I had the opportunity to ask Commissioner Daley a few questions about the John Stroger's appointment of his son, Todd, to run for Cook County Board President in his place. I had never been that close to a Daley family member before so it was kind of intimidating until I was about an arm's length away from him. He's tiny. So tiny, that he had to look up to me when I asked him a question. I'm not that tall, (5'8), he's just that tiny. Plus, he looks just like his late father.

It's patently obvious that Tony Peraica is running for something (duh). Every issue that was brought up, well Tony just had to say something. Hey, he's a politician running for one of the most powerful jobs in the country. Yes, the country. If Cook County was a state, it would be the 17th largest in the nation. The county court and jail system is the largest in the nation. It has a bigger budget than Wyoming, Montana and Idaho-hovering somewhere around $3billion for 5.6 million people.

Anyhoo, back to Tony. He's an interesting guy. He makes wine and is some sort of musician. Plus, he was an orphan in Croatia and moved here when he was a wee one. He's a Republican and here's the kicker, he probably has a chance at winning the presidency. There are enough county residents who are furious at Stroger and Co. for treating their constituents (read: Democrats) like crap and are willing to cast their votes in favor of Peraica, in order to screw over the Todd-ler.

Now, here are a few things about Peraica that many dems are not paying attention to. He's anti-choice and has said on a few occasions that he would probably cut abortion funding at county hospitals. Not good. Also, he's anti-gay, but the Log Cabin Republicans are endorsing him. That, I just don't get and I'm waiting to interview the head of the Chicago chapter of the LCR. When I find out what their reasoning is, I'll let you know. Finally, he's pro-gun. Not a big shocker seeing that he's a Republican and all. I think it's time for the voters to, I don't know, edumacate themselves before they hit the polls on Nov. 7.

Forrest Claypool didn't say a word during the meeting. Not surprising because he's probably still pissed off that he didn't beat John Stroger back in March. I don't blame him. He should've won-he's not as nearly corrupt as John Stroger was or is. (he's still non-compis mentis, right?).

The seats in the chambers are real uncomfy.

It's really hot in the county building.

There are alot of weirdos at county board meetings.

And finally, like the title of this entry says, Stephanie Huls is the coolest girl in the class.

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